This is Love (11): Allah Protects whom He loves


Explanation of the 11th hadith in the book.
1) The love of this world is a test, and worldly greed never ends.
2) Like food, take from the world what you need and leave the rest. If not, it will make you sick.
3) Worldly favors are not signs of Allah’s favor; only Iman is.
4) Do not ever envy another for a worldly possession they have.
5) Allah protects us from the world like we protect our sick from harmful food. Why do we complain when Allah protects us?
6) We deny ourselves what we like to become healthy. Allah does the same when He denies us what we crave of this world.
7) Allah defends the believers in proportion to their faith. Allah’s protection is complete.
8) We must partially detach from the world and protect ourselves from it.
9) The love of the world is the greatest competitor to Allah’s love.
10) Leave anxiety behind and embrace Allah’s protection.