This is Love (32): Sin kills Love | Ali Albarghouthi


Explanation of the 32nd hadith in the book.
1) Love rests on spiritual foundations.
2) Sin introduces the work of Shaytan into our relationships
3) Solving any problem begins with fixing our relationship with Allah: fix what’s between you and Allah, and Allah will fix what’s between you and everyone else.
4) How do we solve our marital problems?
5) Q&A

In Islamic theology and belief, Allah (God) is often described as the source of all love and compassion. Love in Islam is multifaceted and encompasses various dimensions:

Allah’s Love for His Creation: Muslims believe Allah’s love and compassion extend to His creation. The Quran repeatedly mentions Allah’s attributes of mercy and love. For example, one of the most frequently recited verses in the Quran is “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim,” which translates to “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.” This highlights Allah’s boundless mercy and love for His creatures.

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